People of incredibly varied races, religions, geographies, and economic classes in America often have one distinct common bond between them: a need for the bump in income that Social Security Disability Insurance can provide. Sometimes making the difference between a family going hungry and putting food on the table, SSDI is one of the government’s most important assistance programs.
Acknowledging this fact, numerous faith groups of varying denominations came together in Washington D.C. earlier this month in order to reaffirm SSDI’s importance and pressure both Congress and the White House to leave the program alone when considering spending cuts in ongoing “fiscal cliff” negotiations.
Members from the Jewish Council for Public Affairs, the Interfaith Disability Advocacy Coalition, and American Baptist Home Mission Societies were on hand at the meeting. The JCPA president himself noted that “people who collect disability insurance have paid into the system and therefore it is critical that the benefits that they have earned are available in their time of need.”
According to October 2012 data, 8.8 million Americans rely on SSDI as a means of making ends meet after they have been injured or disabled and put out of work, either permanently or temporarily.
As a part of the meeting’s program, the faith groups spoke out to dispel myths that the program had become abused and wasteful, pointing out that state and local communities would feel the burden of federal cuts, as well as the fact that those who have dutifully paid into the system have a right to utilize benefits in a time of recovery and need.
As federal budget and spending negotiations go down to the wire, programs such as Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income may could be changed, cut, or redefined. Through all the red tape and uncertainty, a social security law attorney can help to both clarify matters and better the chance of a successful claim or appeal.
Source: Sacramento Bee, “Religious Leaders Come Together On Capitol Hill In Support Of Social Security Disability Insurance,” Dec. 4, 2012
- SSDI and SSI benefits matters of more than just politics. For more information claims and appeals, contact our Harris County Social Security law page.