Houston workers have the ability to access disability insurance through Social Security when their illnesses and injuries qualify them for financial assistance. However, the process of securing such benefits can be complicated and confusing for individuals who have never before had to work within the Social Security system. When you begin to investigate if and how you should pursue a Social Security Disability Insurance claim, you may choose to work with a legal professional who can help you navigate the requirements of the government program.
David Dopkin includes in his practice the pursuit of Social Security Disability Insurance claims. Many SSDI claims begin with an individual filing a claim with a local Social Security office. That local office may evaluate a SSDI claim for important information not related to the claimant’s health. The claim may then be sent to a Disability Determination Services office for review of the medical component of the claim.
How a claim is prepared, if important information is included, if medical evidence of illness or injury are available, and many other factors can influence if an Social Security claim is initially accepted or rejected. Rejected claims may be appealed, and we can advise you on possible next steps if your initial disability claim has been denied.
Houston residents work hard for their paychecks and often are qualified to receive Social Security Disability Insurance benefits when their injuries and illnesses keep them out of their jobs. However, securing such benefits is not always an easy process. Though a positive benefits decision can never be guaranteed, individuals can choose to work with attorneys like David Dopkin to help them pursue their benefits claims and secure financial support when they need it most.