When most people in Texas think about people who receive Social Security Disability benefits, they probably think of people living with disabling physical conditions. Although many beneficiaries do live with physical disabilities, many also live with disabling mental conditions. Some people may not be aware of how disabling a mental condition can be.
Not long ago, a post here discussed how a popular musician had to take some time off to deal with a mental condition. Selena Gomez had to briefly step away from her musical career while she dealt with the consequences of depression and panic attacks. Another big star, Lady Gaga, indicated that she had dealt with similar issues as well.
Many folks find these conditions to be just as disabling as these pop stars did. Unfortunately, not everyone has resources to fall back on while they step back from their jobs. This is where Social Security Disability benefits for mental conditions could be essential. Unfortunately, applicants sometimes have a harder time getting benefits approved when they are living with disabling mental conditions instead of physical conditions.
Here is where the services of attorney David Dopkin could prove to be helpful. At our law firm, we help with mental disability claims for clients. We have a thorough understanding of the challenges that clients face. We know that conditions such as anxiety disorders, depression, schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, brain injury and delayed learning can all qualify a client for disability benefits under specific circumstances.
People who live with disabling mental conditions may have options. Attorney David Dopkin is ready and willing to discuss these options. For more information, please visit the mental disability claims page on our law firm’s website.