Everyone knows that many physical disabilities can prevent people from earning a living. What is not always appreciated, however, is that mental disabilities can also prevent people from earning a living. The good news is that the federal government has a program to help people living with physical and mental disabilities. Social Security disability benefits are available to workers in Texas who qualify. Mental conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety disorders, brain injury and delayed learning can all qualify a claimant for Social Security disability if all of the qualifying criteria are met.
Last week, we told you about another condition that could qualify a claimant for SSD benefits: schizophrenia. In order to qualify for benefits, a claimant must qualify as disabled and must have the necessary work credits. The problem is that when people file disability claims for metal conditions with the Social Security Administration, they often experience a higher level of rejection than other claimants on their initial application.
Fortunately, rejected claimants are allowed to appeal their initial denials, and many claimants have success in the appeals process. Attorney David Dopkin has advocated on behalf of many Social Security disability claimants over the past 26 years. He understands the challenges many claimants are facing, and the staff at our office are prepared to help claimants seek options.
We at the law office of David Dopkin, Attorney at Law understand that claimants may have a hard time getting by while their claims are pending. We provide claimants with referrals to free or reduced-cost mental health treatment. We also provide guidance and advocacy for claims. For more information, see the mental disability claims page on our website.