Not all skin disorders are merely cosmetic. Some are so severe that they impair a person’s ability to work, creating financial and other hardships. In Texas, and across the United States, workers have made contributions to the Social Security Disability Insurance program through payroll withholdings. When a person’s skin disorder is so severe that it prevents them from working for long periods of time, they may be able to qualify for SSDI Benefits for illness for disorders of their skin.
To qualify for SSD benefits, a skin disorder must fall within the specific parameters required by the Social Security Administration. The SSA guidelines enumerate several specific disorders, such as dermatitis, that may qualify. However, the list is not comprehensive. Disorders and injuries, such as burns, can be assessed on a case-by-case basis to determine severity and treatability. If medical evidence demonstrates that a skin disorder impairs function, it may meet the criteria for SSD benefits.
When making its benefits determination, the SSA will determine just how severe the claimant’s disorder is and to what extent it affects the person’s ability to function on the job, as well as on a day-to-day basis. Included in the assessment will be how often the condition flares up, the level of pain and how extensively skin lesions are spread across the body. Skin disorders on the soles of feet or palms of hands, burns and other impairments that affect a person’s range of motion often qualify for benefits.
The SSD claims process can be overwhelming, especially for those already battling a debilitating skin disorder. However, the financial assistance offered by SSD benefits can help offset some of the financial hardships claimants experience from being out of work.
Source:, “8.00 Skin Disorders – Adult,” accessed on Mar. 26, 2018