Lower back pain is one of the most common disabling conditions faced by Houston residents. People in all varieties of jobs can develop this condition, and if symptoms are sufficiently severe, spinal stenosis can interfere with a person’s ability to work. People who suffer from stenosis may be eligible for Social Security disability benefits for injury if they meet the necessary federal requirements.
Spinal stenosis is a condition that occurs when the spinal canal narrows and the surrounding bones put pressure on the spinal cord and nearby nerve roots. The narrowing can cause pain or loss of sensation in the arms, lower back or legs. The narrowing can be the result of an injury or the normal aging of the spinal column.
Spinal stenosis can result from either an injury or the deterioration of the spine as aging occurs. While some people develop spinal stenosis from doing their job, SSD benefits are payable regardless of cause but only if the stenosis renders the victim totally unable to work.
To qualify for SSD benefits, a person with spinal stenosis must provide medical evidence of nerve root compression that causes pain. Limited motion and sensory or reflex loss may also be used to prove stenosis. Lumbar spinal stenosis is a separate category of stenosis that is proved by demonstrating pseudoclaudication or pain that normally results from the narrowing of the spinal canal. The Social Security Administration requires “medically acceptable imaging” to prove the existence of the condition. A claim for SSD benefits for spinal stenosis must also include acceptable medical evidence and employment records proving the existence and extent of the disability.