Social Security disability benefits may not only be available because of physical injuries but also because of a disabling mental condition. To qualify for Social Security disability (SSD), however, the disabled individual must demonstrate that the mental condition they suffer from prevents them from working just like if they suffer from a disabling physical condition that prevents them from working.
There are certain mental conditions that can qualify for Social Security disability benefits. Social Security disability benefits for mental conditions include benefits for disabled individuals suffering with schizophrenia; autism disorders; mental retardation; bipolar disorder; depression; and anxiety. The mental condition must be severe enough that it prevents the disabled individual from working.
Whatever medical condition the disabled individual suffers from, whether it is physical or mental, it must be severe enough that it prevents the disabled individual from working and is expected to last for 12 months or longer or result in death. Medical conditions that are on the Social Security Administration’s list of mental impairments are considered inherently disabling and applicants who are suffering from a mental condition on the list are presumed unable to perform substantial gainful activity.
If the disabled individual suffers from a mental condition not on the list, they may also be able to establish that they suffer from a mental condition that prevents them from working. Disabled applicants for SSD benefits should be familiar with the process of applying for benefits and what information will be required from them so they can obtain the benefits they need.