At one time referred to as mental retardation, about one out of 100 people have what the mental health community refers to as an intellectual disability.
Of these one out of 100, the vast majority of them, about 85 percent, have what would be referred to as a mild intellectual disability, meaning that they can perform some tasks and jobs, although perhaps not as quickly as the average person.
These days, doctors do not diagnose an intellectual disability just by referring to an IQ test. That being said, an IQ test result of less than 75 can indicate an intellectual disability. However, before a professional makes a formal diagnosis, she will examine several other aspects of the patient’s life.
Some questions she will ask will include how independent the patient is with respect to holding a job and taking care of himself, as well as how well the patient can show empathy and adjust to a social environment.
As is the case with other mental conditions, a Houston resident can receive Social Security Disability benefits if she has been diagnosed with an intellectual disability. However, the important thing to remember is that getting these benefits is not simply a matter of submitting an IQ test for consideration.
The person, or the person’s guardian as the case may be, will have to demonstrate that the person lacks the capacity to hold a steady job. In this respect, it is important to note that the current thinking on intellectual disability is that, with the right help, most people suffering from this condition can do some jobs and maintain a level of independence.
Getting Social Security benefits for intellectual disabilities or other mental conditions can therefore be a complicated affair. This is why many people choose to seek out the counsel of an experienced Social Security attorney.